Exam preparation

Prepare for your official exams with us and get your certificate

We prepare you for the official DELE, school DELE, SIELE and Spanish nationality CCSE exams. Let us inform you!

One-to-one and small groups

All levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

Scholar DELE: A1, A2/B1

Packs of 10h, 15h or 20h

Mornings and afternoons


Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language

If you already have a good knowledge of the Spanish language and want to take the exam to obtain your Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language (DELE), get ready with us!

The Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language is one of the official accreditations of·Spanish·, granted by the· Instituto Cervantes·on behalf of the Ministry of Education and Science and it is internationally recognized.

ágil Spanish Institute is the only center in the province of Castellón accredited by the Instituto Cervantes for teaching Spanish as a foreign language, and it is also a DELE examination center.

Scholar DELE

The Instituto Cervantes offers two DELE Spanish exams for students of Spanish between the ages of 11 and 17: the DELE A1 exam and the DELE A2/B1 exam of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages CEFR.

The DELE exams for schoolchildren can be taken in two exam sessions per year.


Exam to obtain Spanish nationality

Obtain Spanish nationality with us!

We prepare you to pass the Spanish sociocultural knowledge exam with all the guarantees.


International Service for te Evaluation of the Spanish Language

Would you like to be able to prove your level of Spanish without going through a certification process? with SIELE, you can!

The Instituto Cervantes offers you an exam modality, face-to-face or online, which includes specific tests (CL, CA, EIE, EIO) or you can combine the different tests through the four modalities that are offered.

Come and register with us.

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